E – Governance

The term “e-government” means to use of technology to upgrade and make the work more efficient in implementation and modernise the systems for the ease of use of Government and access of information to people.  E-governance is a digital interaction between government-to-citizen (G2C), government-to-business (G2B), government-to-employee (G2E), and government-to-government/agencies (G2G).

Web-based Dashboard

We can monitor and integrate information government collecting from various sources. This can also be accessed by citizens and business through portals.With the use of support features and a site map, this can range from basic and static information to access to databases, documents, regulations, etc.

Interactive Interface

We design and develop systems to increase community access to these essential services for common users through variety of channels, such as online sections at government office and one-stop service kiosks and so on..

Transactional Presence

The purpose of this is to complete the service transaction through the internet while putting back-end integration. There is an internet access for completion of online transactions which leads to vertical and horizontal integration. 

Network Integration

The main point here is integrated portals. Important benchmarks at this level include partners to use of technologies like citizen polls and encouraging political participation on the Internet. 

E-Governance Across Industries

We have been able to provide ground-breaking solutions to governmental institutions at diverse scales due to our expertise with them. We have a wide range of expertise with government systems, including healthcare, defence, mining, municipal reforms, transportation, urban development, utilities, and others.